sitecore identity server configuration

2. In Sitecore 9, you could use Federated Authentication to get much the same result -- so, why add Identity Server in to the mix? To implement an identity provider in Sitecore, you’ll need 2 main pieces. Under App_Config/Include/Unicorn folder, there will be a config file named Unicorn.UI.IdentityServer.config.disabled. This post assumes that you are installing Sitecore Experience Commerce 9 initial release on Sitecore… Use the Sitecore Installation Framework (SIF) or the Sitecore Azure Toolkit (SAT) to install the SIS role. To disable identity server just rename the below config files: Sitecore.Owin.Authentication.Disabler.config.disabled to Sitecore.Owin.Authentication.Disabler.config Add the following configuration in the Sitecore.Owin.Authentication.Enabler.config file after It is built on the Federated Authentication, which was introduced in Sitecore 9.0. To make this work I had to configure the reverse proxy, Sitecore and Identity Server a bit different compared to the default configuration. ClientId – Should match the Client setup in Identity server (above) domain – Should be the domain used for your external users/members; Site – Should be the name of the SXA Site. This must be done at the Sitecore server, as the Sitecore server has the user profile accessible during transformation. The manifest and the config file are straightforward. Enable this file by renaming it (Remove .disabled from the file name). Alternatively, you can use dependency injection to access the whole set of IdentityServer4 options. Please note that I am not using Azure Active Directory in any way. You configure the SI server in the Sitecore instance in the \App_Config\Sitecore\Owin.Authentication.IdentityServer\Sitecore.Owin.Authentication.IdentityServer.config configuration file. The ID of the registered client. Updating the Token Lifetimes in 9.3. with endpoint => https://localhost:5001; Api (called Resource Api or Consumer Api). Configure Content Delivery to use Identity Server. The Sitecore server is responsible for mapping inbound claims from Sitecore Identity Server to your user profile. Sitecore Identity is compatible with Sitecore Membership user storage but may be be extended with other identity providers to integrate with customers AIM systems. In this specific case, we will use "is4" as the provider ID in the Sitecore Federated Authentication configuration (as we will see in Part 2 of this series). Make sure you have the right xConnect and Identity Server certificate thumbprints in hands. However when I try to go to the login page from my laptop I get "This site can’t be reached sc910.identityserver refused to connect." I was working on the free version of azure and there I have got only one domain name which I added in Sitecore 9 sites. It is specified in the deployment process. You cannot set up multiple instances of the SIS role behind a load balancer. Single sign-on (SSO) is becoming more popular as it provides one set of credentials within an enterprise to not only provide access to a corporate resource, but also allows you to centrally manage permissions and security. Each client configuration node contains a number of properties that are bound to properties of the IdentityServer4.Models.Client class. Introduction to Sitecore Identity Server supported infrastructure, references, scaling, and privacy and security. Adding Google OAuth to Sitecore Identity Server. Having identity as a separate role makes it easier to scale, and to use a single point of configuration for all your Sitecore instances and applications (including your own custom applications, if you like). You set this in the $(identityServerAuthority) configuration variable. I am trying to integrate a federated authentication / single sign on with Sitecore using Identity Server 3. Sitecore has a default client configured in SI server with ID Sitecore. In Sitecore 9.3 I will recommend using the Active Directory Federation Service (ADFS) approach instead. Making Sure Identity Server Is Working Properly. I'm thinking this is a configuration that needs to be changed manually before running the main installation script (However, it would be nice if the tasks took care of this automatically :)). You cannot combine the SIS role with all other Sitecore Host roles. Sitecore Identity. We'll want to change the "acceptMappedClaims" property to true. XML Config File. Use the below sitecore configuration patch as a reference to make content delivery use the second instance of identity server. 1.2.4 The Identity Server token signing certificate Sitecore Identity Server requires a private key certificate to sign the tokens that are passed between the server and the clients. For the RedirectUri, make sure the provided URL has the path set to /signin-[identity provider id] format. Every 5 minutes Azure pings the Sitecore Identity server URL with an HTTP request. For now, the workaround is to simply disable the Identity Server functionality and revert to using the previous Forms Authentication functionality. While the very basic approach of configuring federated authentication can be achieved with just a few modifications to configuration files (see herefor more details), this post will override Identity Provider processing and thus requires some code as well. First, you’ll need to register the identity provider with Sitecore and configure various settings that go along with it. Basically, it required the following: Configuring an app in Okta to handle the authentication on the Okta side; Implementing a custom identity provider for Okta in custom code; Creating a custom configuration file to use your new identity provider I was following an example from Identity Server 4, the issue was that the Quick start example of the Identity Server 4 contain 3 projects: Identity Server. I install Sitecore XP 9.1 using SIF but identity server doesn't work. We’ll configure both the identity provider together in the same config file. If you are 100% sure that the certificates you have are valid and still your website won’t load properly, maybe it’s a matter of re-configuring them on your website configuration files. Follow the below steps for the configuration: 1. Until Sitecore 8, it was using Form based authentication but from 9 onward, it's using that. While the basis of federated authentication in Sitecore is really quite simple, requiring some tweaks to a configuration file and overriding ProcessCore(IdentityProvidersArgs args) in a class that implements IdentityProvidersProcessor, you can see how we took things even further by hooking into the code responsible for creating a new user in Sitecore to customize the domain and username. This, in turn, is configured to use the traditional ASP.NET Membership Provider for regular sign in, using SQL Server and the Core database – a method we have been familiar with for many years. Sitecore Identity is the platform that provides the single sign-on process for Sitecore Experience Platform (XP), Sitecore Experience Commerce(XC) and other Sitecore instances that … Remember in the first part of this series, I showed that the default implementation comes with a default client named Sitecore, which is the Sitecore instance itself protected by the identity server. To configure a Sitecore instance to use Sitecore Identity (SI) server authentication you must: Enable all Sitecore instances with SI server authentication with the following: The absolute URL of the SI server (Authority in OpenId Connect terminology). You can deploy the SIS role as a standalone role. Setting up Unicorn for the Identity Server configuration. Make sure you have the right xConnect and Identity Server certificate thumbprints in hands. I have set up Sitecore 9.1 on a server. Just like Azure Active Directory, Sitecore supports extending the Identity Server to … In most cases, the names of class properties and configuration properties are matched. This project allows the ASP.NET 2.0 Membership Database to be used as the Identity Server User Store in IdentityServer4. I have added sc910.identityserver to my host file. Sometimes we need to disable identity server in Sitecore 9 versions. If you set up your Visual Studio (VS) project properly, then those two files will get deployed properly when you publish your project. You must generate this certificate, Base64 encode it in string form, and store it as a secret in the Kubernetes cluster. I got the following 500 Error: “The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid.” It pointed to the Identity Server web.config file. Voila!! As this is enabled by default. This blog aims to provide some workarounds and fixes if you encounter these errors. [Identity Server Root]\sitecore\Sitecore.Plugin.IdentityProviders.Okta\Config. Configure Mapping in Sitecore Identity The Sitecore instance is also an SI client, and it is registered in the SI server by default. The caption is Go to login . March 16, 2020 Sitecore mehedi. The issue happens due to the Always On setting on the Azure Web Site. Please note that I am not using Azure Active Directory in any way. Use the Sitecore Installation Framework (SIF) or the Sitecore Azure Toolkit (SAT) to install the SIS role. Word of caution: I ran into some issues while running the Identity Server as ${REGISTRY}sitecore-xc-identity:${SITECORE_VERSION}-windowsservercore-$ ... 'exp' claim value can be configured on Sitecore Identity server on the client configuration by IdentityTokenLifetimeInSeconds setting. Anti-forgery errors may occur in the Application Insights approximately every 5 minutes. Reverse proxy configuration. with endpoint => https://localhost:5001; Api (called Resource Api or Consumer Api). First, you’ll need to register the identity provider with Sitecore and configure various settings that go along with it. To adhere to Helix guidelines, I created a new project beneath Foundation called Foundation. You can do this with a configuration patch file. certificate and copies the content of the file to the environment variable configuration file. This will allow our policy to execute and pass claims on to our Sitecore Identity server. Client. To disable identity server just rename the below config files: Sitecore.Owin.Authentication.Disabler.config.disabled to Sitecore.Owin.Authentication.Disabler.config Voila!! Authentication Once this is done, you’ll need to include the following Nuget Packages for the project: 1. To implement an identity provider in Sitecore, you’ll need 2 main pieces. Navigate to the Identity Server Instance. The following NuGet packages are required to get this integration working with Identity Server 3 and Azure AD. Scaling the Sitecore Identity Server role. Like the Sitecore license file, you can mount the Sitecore Identity Server certificate on the file system instead of passing it as an environment variable. Now, let's hop over to the Azure portal and open up the Sitecore Identity application in the Azure AD interface. The following table describes the ways you can scale the Sitecore Identity Server (SIS) role: You cannot combine the SIS role with all other Sitecore Host roles. Publish this change to the site. The Sitecore instance knows about the SI server because the SI server is an identity provider in the … As standard… I am trying to integrate a federated authentication / single sign on with Sitecore using Identity Server 3. Sitecore Identity Server is based on aspnet core and the connection string settings are configured differently from app. However, Sitecore.Owin.Authenticati… 1. Finally, we've included our Sitecore site's Redirect URIs. Sitecore Identity is the platform single sign-on mechanism for Sitecore Experience Platform, Sitecore Experience Commerce and other Sitecore instances that require authentication. Preparation. The FederatedAuthentication.IdentityServer.ResourceOwnerClientId setting  specifies the ID of this client. Appendix C If I delete the IIS site for it I can still log into Sitecore. I can login to Sitecore from the server. After configuring Azure AD and setting up the App Registration, the next step is to configure the Identity Server. Spe.IdentityServer.config ... You are required to explicitly grant the SPE Remoting session user account to a predefined role found in the configuration Spe.config. Since you can use Sitecore Identity as federation gateway, you can configure SI to federate with ADFS (Ws-Federation) sub provider. Default: "PlaceholderForBizFxUrl|PlaceholderForSxaStorefrontUrl" "AntiForgeryEnabled" Whether to enable antiforgery (boolean). I can login to Sitecore from the server. The IIS handled the HTTPS termination originally, and if you still want end-to-end HTTPS, you can configure the Kestrel webserver to listen on HTTPS. Out of the box, Sitecore is configured to use Identity Server. Configuration Being an ASP.NET Core application at the bottom, almost all of (if not all) Identity Server can be configured through environment variables. The following tables list the topologies that include the SIS role and describe how the role is packaged by default. How to configure Sitecore instances and Sitecore Identity server. The issue happens due to the Always On setting on the Azure Web Site. The reverse proxy is just an IIS site with the following web.config with active routing. You can create the separate file and do the configuration changes. For more information and a configuration example, see . When you select this topology, xDB and xConnect are not available. 1. Sitecore Identity uses a token-based authentication mechanism to authorize the users for the login. The Sitecore Instance Certificates Are Not Well Configured. Default: "PlaceholderForSitecoreIdentityServerUrl" "AllowedOrigins" List of URLs that should be allowed to make cross-origin calls, such as the Business Tools URL, and the storefront URL. I was following an example from Identity Server 4, the issue was that the Quick start example of the Identity Server 4 contain 3 projects: Identity Server. The SI server is configured as a regular external identity provider in Sitecore and it means you see its sign-in button on the /sitecore/login page. Which the launch of Sitecore 9.1 came the introduction of the identity server to Sitecore list roles. Using Sitecore Identity Server, which was introduced in Sitecore 9.1.1, this customization was simple. The reverse proxy is just an IIS site with the following web.config with active routing. The URL of the Sitecore Identity server. In the last two parts of the Sitecore Identity series, I described the basics and an understanding of the architecture and how IdentityServer4 is embedded and used in Sitecore 9.1+, the second part was a demo for adding a web client that authenticates itself against the Sitecore Identity (meaning that a custom web application uses Sitecore as the login method think like Login using … Sitecore introduced the Sitecore Identity Server (SIS) role with release 9.1. You can find a lot more information about the Identity Server here Personally I think this I is great enhancement and add are more easy extendable way of enabling 3 party authentication providers to Sitecore. The groups from Azure are mapped to roles via claims and the roles have been created in Sitecore. In part 1 of this series, we configured a custom identity provider using IdentityServer4 framework and ASP.NET Core. Sitecore introduced the Sitecore Identity Server (SIS) role with release 9.1. You can do this with a configuration patch file. You can find a lot more information about the Identity Server here Personally I think this I is great enhancement and add are more easy extendable way of enabling 3 party authentication providers to Sitecore. Sitecore uses a custom Resource Owner Password flow for internal purposes. This web application was created and deployed as an independent site in IIS (since it is an ASP.NET Core web app it can also be deployed to other types of web servers). Unicorn login now works. The name parameter must be in this format: [gateway_identity_provider]/[AuthenticationScheme], where gateway_identity_provider is an identity provider that Sitecore communicates with directly, and AuthenticationScheme is an authentication scheme of a subidentity provider you have configured in gateway_identity_provider (for example, IdS4 … Note: If you are using Sitecore 9.1 or later with Identity Server, there is a configuration file that should be enabled. However when I try to go to the login page from my laptop I get "This site can’t be reached sc910.identityserver refused to connect." This must be done at the Sitecore server, as the Sitecore server has the user profile accessible during transformation. It basically collects the token from the Sitecore Identity Server and pass it to that app. Save the configuration. There is a predefined client called Sitecore  (Sitecore:IdentityServer:Clients:DefaultClient). As Sitecore moves to a services-based architecture, there are more and more services being introduced that you could have to push code & configuration to. I also faced the same issue while installing Sitecore commerce 9.0.3 in my system but when I … The SIS role is available in the following default topologies for the Sitecore Installation Framework: Sitecore.IdentityServer 4.X.X rev. Configure a Sitecore instance and Sitecore Identity server. Basically, you are configuring Sitecore to work with some other identity provider. It is based on the IdentityServer4 framework and used to request and handle identity, grant access, and refresh tokens. Finally, we've included our Sitecore site's Redirect URIs. The Sitecore Instance Certificates Are Not Well Configured. The Sitecore Identity Server and Sitecore Commerce Engine packages are fed configurations via JSON files under their respective wwwroot folder. To make this work I had to configure the reverse proxy, Sitecore and Identity Server a bit different compared to the default configuration. With the introduction of the Identity Server in Sitecore, it has never been easier to implement various ways to configure how you sign into Sitecore. Note: Claim value is Unix time expressed as the number of seconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z --> I have configured the IDs of tenant, application and the groups from the Azure AD in Sitecore config files. As standard… NOTE. I see several issues in your overall configuration, but the most important is the first one (and the workaround must be removed of course): The implementation of the IdentityProvidersProcessor must contain only a middleware to configure authentication to external provider, like UseOpenIdConnectAuthentication or UseAuth0Authentication or UseFacebookAuthentication. If you are facing the same issue then you also have forgotten to install IIS URL Rewrite module. The Sitecore server is responsible for mapping inbound claims from Sitecore Identity Server to your user profile. 1. It is based on the IdentityServer4 framework and used to request and handle identity, grant access, and refresh tokens. I’ve shown the configuration I’m using for the Facebook identity provider below. More details can be found . ... Let’s do some house keeping and delete “XP0 Configuration files 9.2.0 rev. I have set up Sitecore 9.1 on a server. You can use the {AllowedCorsOrigin} special token in RedirectUris and PostLogoutRedirectUris lists, as in the following example: To  specify a protocol+domain+port part of URLs only in the AllowedCorsOrigins section, use the {AllowedCorsOrigin} token: Sitecore expands the RedirectUri* and PostLogoutRedirectUri* node values with {AllowedCorsOrigin} tokens to be allowed for every origin specified in the AllowedCorsOrigins list. 1. I have added sc910.identityserver to my host file. I’ve shown the configuration I’m using for the Facebook identity provider below. Client. XXXXX (OnPrem)_identityserver.scwdp, Scaling and configuring Sitecore Host roles, Scaling and configuring Sitecore Identity Server, Scaling the Sitecore Identity Server role. To configure  the Sitecore Identity server: Use either the Sitecore:IdentityServer:Clients section to configure clients, or use dependency injection. 'exp' claim value can be configured on Sitecore Identity server on the client configuration by IdentityTokenLifetimeInSeconds setting. But we all know what it is very necessary for Sitecore 9 to use the Identity server. For example the Sitecore Experience Commerce Engine Roles, the Commerce Business Tools, Identity Server and … How to register your app in Sitecore Identity Server : Registering a new app in Sitecore Identity Server is quite easy.” and “Sitecore 9.2.0 rev. Nothing in log for Sitecore or identity server. Disable Sitecore Identity Options for scaling and configuring the Sitecore Identity Server role. FederatedAuthentication.IdentityServer.ClientId setting. The default value is SitecorePassword. If you are 100% sure that the certificates you have are valid and still your website won’t load properly, maybe it’s a matter of re-configuring them on your website configuration files. However, Below is a simplified version of the entire login flow that captures what occurs when a user tries to login to Sitecore Admin portal using their Azure AD account. From personalization to content, commerce, and data, start marketing in context with Sitecore's web content management and digital experience platform. Anti-forgery errors may occur in the Application Insights approximately every 5 minutes. Unicorn login now works. For example the Sitecore Experience Commerce Engine Roles, the Commerce Business Tools, Identity Server and the different XConnect instances. The ID of a dedicated client for the custom Resource Owner Password flow. You can fail over to a passive instance of the SIS role. Under App_Config/Include/Unicorn folder, there will be a config file named Unicorn.UI.IdentityServer.config.disabled. To implement this workaround, you need to: enable the Sitecore.Owin.Authentication.Disabler.config config which you can find in your \App_Config\Include\Examples folder To reuse the default Sitecore client declaration, extend the lists of allowed RedirectUris, PostLogoutRedirectUris, and AllowedCorsOrigins values to contain the appropriate values for your application. The Identity Server Integration in Sitecore allows you to use SSO across applications and services. Scaling and configuring Sitecore Identity Server Installation. Windows Server 2016 – my choice for Sitecore 9.2; Windows 10 (32/64-bit) 1b) ... Sitecore Identity server requires .NET Core 2.1.7 Windows Hosting Module. To configure the Sitecore Identity server: Use either the Sitecore:IdentityServer:Clients section to configure clients, or use dependency injection. Reverse proxy configuration. You can specify in this config site names that will be generated, suffixes of generated sites for all three sites – Identity Server, XConnect and Sitecore site itself and other configuration entries like highlighted Solr configuration. As this is enabled by default. Restart the Sitecore Identity Server so that the updated configuration is consumed on startup. Set a client secret that you store in the sitecoreidentity.secret connection string in the Sitecore instance, and which is represented in the SI server in the secrets list of PasswordClient client here: Sitecore:IdentityServer:Clients:PasswordClient:ClientSecrets:.... Sitecore connects the SI server according to the federated authentication configuration.Â, The SI server must contain the configuration of all its clients (see IdentityServer4 client).Â. File named Unicorn.UI.IdentityServer.config.disabled ADFS ( Ws-Federation ) sub provider set of IdentityServer4 options customers... 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sitecore identity server configuration 2021